March Of Dimes

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Moon Sand ...really?

Who ever thought of Moon Sand should be fired. Have you ever tried to play with it. The commercial makes it look so cool, pack it in special molds (not included) convienient fold up play container.
Let's face 'aint going to stay contained! Oh and the claims that it's better than real sand because it sticks together...

Yeah it sticks together - if you apply brute force of an adult it might stick together! Otherwise it just clumps and breaks off all over the table, floor and in each others hair. Oh almost forgot the best part! My daughter now had yellow and purple stained hands- so does my couch where she wiped her hands off before I could grab her. Let's just say what it really is... "poor man's play-doh!" I'll take real Play-doh anyday! Come on Moon Sand...really? Should've been left on the moon!

PS It was a gift (I wouldn't buy it), and this is what I came home to after picking up perscriptions from the store thanks to my 12yr old. Nothing like sick kids and sand everywhere...