Ah those ever so looming baskets leftover from Easter. Filled to the brim with chocolate bunnies, jellybeans, Easter eggs, pain-in-the-$%#!& grass, and yes...the infamous Marshmallow Peep!
Have you ever wondered as you follow a trail of yellow sugar "Who invented these cute monstrosities and why is it all over my house?" Well I have been schooled, just when I thought I knew it all. (You know because Mom knows everything)
Fun Fact #1 In the early 1950's, it took 27 hours to make 1 Peep, it now takes 6 minutes
Fun Fact #2 Over 70 million Peeps lined up beak to tail are needed to reach New York to LA
Fun Fact #3 Peeps Chicks and Bunnies come in 5 different colors
Fun Facts from http://www.marshmallowpeeps.com/
Fun Fact #1
In April 2009 it only takes 6 seconds to fall out of my kids mouth and it has taken me approximately 27 hours to clean marshmallow off of furniture
Fun Fact #2
I have over 70 million inches of sugar left on my floors from Marshmallow Peeps
Fun Fact #3
I already KNOW Peeps and Bunnies come in 5 "difficult to wash off hands" colors
Set scene after dinner:
Isabella: I want mash-mellow! Peeze!
Mark Jr: (heart in right place-brain not) hands his little sister a handful of Peeps
Isabella: (runs off giggling with glee smashing as many as she can in her mouth)
Remember I assumed her big brother sat her at the table to eat these. Not!
As I chased her down she did the inevitable... she spit them on the carpet. You know like she was a lizard being chased and she had to get rid of her tail, except it was mushy sticky marshmallow.
On the floor,
On my carpet,
oh and all around the edge of the couch because - yes I forgot. I chased her!
So I say to the Marshmallow Peep-ole....
Marshmallows & Sugar...Are you insane?