You know it's bad when you finally take the pan out and start making the cutting lines in your head. Is it that time of month again? why am I craving brownies and why is it taking them so long to cool down? (And no I'm not pregant -mom)Finally! They're cool enough to cut. Two lines lengthwise, 4 lines widthwise. Ok so that makes 12 beautiful brownies. Yes- I was counting them. It was so bad last night I even wrapped them ever so carefully in tin foil a special way so if there was to be a discrepency in how many were left I would know "It wasn't me!" I was right to do so! There's a Brownie Bandit among us. Two of my presious brownies are missing! When you have as many kids as I do it's sort of like having mice in the house. They don't make a sound, leave crumbs everywhere and when caught they look so cute.
Until you realize "They ate my damn brownies!"
Let the interrigation begin!
Mom: (looking at her sternly) Did you take the brownies?
Alicia: Um....(hesitantly) Yeeeah?
Mom: You Brownie Bandit!
Alicia: I took some to eat with lunch, but I didn't pack much. (now realizing I now know she basically ate brownies for lunch)
Mom: Alicia!
Alicia: Well I wasn't going to say anything unless you asked!
Mom: Right! You stole my brownies!
Alicia: uhhhh (sheepishly grinning) I'll do the dishes....?
Well at least I don't have to wash dishes, my lovely daughter Alicia has offered to do them in exchange for "Mercy for the Brownie Bandit"
Darnit...now I have to make more!