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Saturday, July 25, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Ever wonder what happens to gum?
Sorry Britt! It's here forever! Luv Ya!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's Goo-licious!
Your Breaking My Jaw!

Gummy Gummy
Oh the wonderful world of Gummy! Did you know they can make just about any shape out of that gummy stuff? There's gummy rats, gummy bears, gummy fish, gummy, gummy burgers, gummy peaches, gummy cola, some of the wierder shapes, gummy brains, gummy bugs, oh and my favorite gummy eyeballs! But we can't forget America's favorite...the gummy worm! Now in my day (not too long ago) they used to be all one color, one flavor. Now with todays technology they make them with stripes! oh and 2 flavors at tantilize the tast buds is insane! ok, ok, so i'm a little crazy for gummy worms. I recently bought a bag for my lil one "Bella" and was surprised when I opened the bag...they were staring back at me! Yes you heard right. Staring at me! Gummy worms now have faces! Now how am I supposed to devour endless gummies when they're looking at me? ugg! Oh well....chomp chomp!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dream Dream Dream...

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Donut Drums
Isabella had been bugging me to eat a donut yesterday. After many attempts to get her to eat her lunch, she finally got the donut she wanted. Now one would think she would inhail it like a Great Dane would a burritto, but alas this was not the case. No... she had a sudden urge to eat off all the frosting and play the "Donut Drums." I only knew this was happening because from the kitchen I could hear a "Squishing" sound along with singing. when I investigated I found this.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Simply Sick

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Becoming a "Target"

So here I am in Target again. I was only here yesterday, what was it? Oh yeah, the pharmacy. You notice those people in red shirts staring at you, wondering to themselves..."Didn't I see you yesterday?" Now depending on what your wearing, you either get the "Can I help you find something" or the "Undercover" security following you. You know... the random guy with 2 items in his basket slightly follwoing you down the isle. You know he's security because no guy in his right mind would follow any lady down the Tampax & Poise Pad isle and pretend to choose one and not even pick up a box! let's see, Back to the pharmacy to get an inhailer, down the grocery isle to get milk, (guy is still there following me) Maybe it's because I'm just getting over a cold, I'm wearing sweats and my "Mommy ponytail" and I look awful. Ok had to back track to another isle, I forgot something. This of course is making it very hard for the security guy to follow me, I think he's new - funny! Eventually I round the bend to get kleenex, ah he's gone...
Bam! Our carts collide.
Nope he's back-I've managed to crash into his cart which is still holding the 2 random items.
"Sorry! I didn't realize you were still following me"
Security: " uh uh.. ( I think I stunned him lol)Are you finding everything alright?
Me: (He forgot he was supposed to be undercover security)
Yeah..why? Do you work here? ( I ask, like I didn't know already)
Security: "Yes?" (Still looking bewildered)
Me: In that case, yes. Except your kind of creeping me out following me.
Security: "You shop here alot?" (looking at me oddly, I know what he's trying to do)
Me: Yup! That's what happen's when Target sells just about everything! One day medicine, one day photos, one day milk you know?
Security: (looking rather flushed) "Sorry to bother you mame"
Today I went to Target and became...a Target!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Moon Sand ...really?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Boys & Bees!
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Brownie Bandit

You know it's bad when you finally take the pan out and start making the cutting lines in your head. Is it that time of month again? why am I craving brownies and why is it taking them so long to cool down? (And no I'm not pregant -mom)Finally! They're cool enough to cut. Two lines lengthwise, 4 lines widthwise. Ok so that makes 12 beautiful brownies. Yes- I was counting them. It was so bad last night I even wrapped them ever so carefully in tin foil a special way so if there was to be a discrepency in how many were left I would know "It wasn't me!" I was right to do so! There's a Brownie Bandit among us. Two of my presious brownies are missing! When you have as many kids as I do it's sort of like having mice in the house. They don't make a sound, leave crumbs everywhere and when caught they look so cute.
Mom: (looking at her sternly) Did you take the brownies?
Alicia: Um....(hesitantly) Yeeeah?
Mom: You Brownie Bandit!
Alicia: I took some to eat with lunch, but I didn't pack much. (now realizing I now know she basically ate brownies for lunch)
Mom: Alicia!
Alicia: Well I wasn't going to say anything unless you asked!
Mom: Right! You stole my brownies!
Alicia: uhhhh (sheepishly grinning) I'll do the dishes....?
Well at least I don't have to wash dishes, my lovely daughter Alicia has offered to do them in exchange for "Mercy for the Brownie Bandit" I have to make more!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What Did You Feed Him?

Coaches recommendation for Saturday's game...
feed him Grandma's Magic Chicken for breakfast!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Glass! Glass! ...

Friday, April 17, 2009
Work Work Work!
Silly Dad...Sports Are For Kids!

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Found lump in neck awhile back (we all know what "Lump" means to a woman)
After many Dr. visits had lump ultrasounded-lump to large for comfort
Had FNA schedualed for lump (FNA= Fine Needle Aspiration, I think it really means Frick'in Not Alright!"
Admitted to hospital for procedure
Scared as hell...until...
1)I counted all the dots in the ceiling tile. By the way there's 480 holes.
2)Found out my sister "Rocked" a hospital gown 80's off the shoulder style once (only because the damn thing was too large and kept falling off)
3)My lil sister's stomach sounded like to old men fighting...roda roda roda
(she didn't eat this morning)
Laughter really is the best medicine! The good news? Lumps seem to be getting smaller so no need to needle it, just have to watch it for a while just to be sure.
Now if everyone keeps burping and farting in public...I should be fine!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Marshmallow & Sugar...Are You Insane?

Fun Fact #1
In April 2009 it only takes 6 seconds to fall out of my kids mouth and it has taken me approximately 27 hours to clean marshmallow off of furniture
Bunnies and Swiffers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Just When You Thought You've Heard It All

Terrible Two's
The Power of A Slurpee

Ok so I got lucky - 3 out of 4 kids never really needed to be silenced with the almighty Slurpee.
Number 5..not so lucky. It's amazing how quickly I give in to the fussing in the middle of a store. How such a simple cup of frozen sugar and Co2 can silence even the loudest of kids. Yes...I admit it. I have joined the Slurpee club, and the Target popcorn club and any other club that will get me through the store without embarassing time-outs or the ever so calulated "side-swiping' of things off the nearest shelf within her reach. You know, the immediate response to the word "No." I find my self saying "Isabella no swiping, Isabella noooo swiping!" ("Dora The Explorer" reference)
The pros:
#1 kid is quiet
#2 chance to escape store without paying for broken items after tantrum
#3 Hey..the kid is quiet
The cons:
#1 kid is quietly prying lid off and dumping it on herself
#2 kid is now screaming because she dumped all her Slurpee out
#3 you breakdown and buy her another Slurpee because lets face it, you have to drive home now.
Props to the creator of Slurpee! Now if I can only drive by a Seven-11 without her noticing it...
Is she serious? Or is she Cybil?

All she asked was for me to help her with her shoes. Simple? You would think. Everything was fine until I told her it was on the wrong foot. Then the fury was released from hurricane Isabella.
Note to self, duck next time she chucks a shoe at my head.
Am I wrong to want to keep her from tripping over her misplaced shoes? Doesn't she see the point? Nope she's 2.
Damn..I forgot to duck (Ow!)
What happened to my darling 2yr old? Where were the puppy dog eyes and the "I 'yove you mama's?"
Shoes flying past my head, not exactly sure where the other 4 pairs came from, all the while she's screaming because yes dare I say it? I plopped her butt down for a "Time Out"
I find myself asking...
Is she serious? or Is she Cybil?
By the way she declaired "I'm over now..." (biggest grin on her face you ever saw)
To Dress or Not to Dress?

2 minutes later the pitterpat of tiny feet are heard down my hallway. It's my 2yr old.
Debate over - pj's win!
Let's hear it for PJ's!
One for the money, two for the show....
Leave the PJ's on and let's go go go!
Monday, April 13, 2009
When is a tantrum, just a tantrum?
Mom: Isabella, eat your breakfast
Isabella: no mama, I done! (Throwing food to the ever so eager dog)
Mom: You need to eat sweetie (Picking up what food I could rangle from the dog, 5 second rule applies)
Isabella: Nooooo! (Throwing cup)
Mom: Yes! (picking up cup)
Isabella: ahhh ahhha hhh! (more kicking and hitting)
Mom: ok ok fine! (taking her down from the table) There! go play! (frantically trying to compose myself)
Isabella: (in the sweetest voice imaginable, and cutest expression) 'tank you mamam
(as she skips out of the kitchen as if nothing had happened
Mom: (Thinking to myself...hello cybil!)
Next kid tries to get away without eating.
Brandon: Mom...I'm done (food not even touched)
Mom: You need to eat too! (already frustrated from dodging Isabella's kicking and screaming)
Brandon: I did...(tone is snotty as hell, BTW he's 7) didn't
Brandon: YES!! I DID!..(yelling at me and flailing his arms)
This triggered my flailing arms, only I had a new mop in my hands. Lets just say...
Tantrum had...and the mop lost! :-)
PS had to buy a new mop!