Wow...sorry folks have I been busy. You could say I've been HTML-ing. For you programmers that's Hyper Text Markup Language. Yeah - that's what I thought. What the hell am I talking about? I have gone from How To Make Life happen to HTML programming in just a few hours. Been busy creating a new web site for our High School's Track & Field. Mind you I have no "official" schooling other than a very fat computer book and a husband who in the past loved to test his programming skills and programs on me. I am the underpaid programmer called "Mom". Just add it to my title description next to cook and driver and maid.
It's amazing how I can turn off my "Mommy" programming and turn on my "Volunteer" programming. I have been told I am the queen of volunteering. It's more like the queen with the hugh "SUCKER" stamped on her forhead. Don't get me wrong, I love voluntering when I can. It's what makes me crazy & sane all at the same time. When at home with 4 kids one must interact with the grow-ups from time to time. Otherwise you begin to speak like you've been programmed by a computer...soccer at 4pm, drive Johnny to music at 5:30, drop off older "what's his name?..kid #4" to school. Have you ever felt that way mom's? Aww come on you know you have. Tomorrow's program?
wake-up - feed kids - dress kids - get kids to school - go to school for conference - pick up kids (damn early day!) - feed kids lunch - drive kids to soccer - pick up kids - drive kids to music class - pick - up kids - feed kids dinner - check email - Facebook - do laundry and other chores I've procrastinated on - drop dead in bed around 2am - watch movie on ipod under the covers - reprogram for tomorrow....end program...zzzzzzzzzz